ECE 2024 Circuits and Devices
In electrical and computer engineering, we are primarily interested in two things: electrical signal and electrical energy. For electrical signal, we want to study how we can gather, store, process, transport, and present the information. For example, in computer engineering, we want to process and store information digitally; in communication system, we study how we can process and transport information. For electrical energy, we want to study how we can generate, distribute, store and convert energy of various forms. We have power system major that studies how to generate, distribute electrical energy in an efficient way; we also have power electronics that convert electrical energy in different forms. For all of these technology to happen, we need circuits and devices. In this class, we are covering DC and AC circuit analysis, transient response of RLC circuits, frequency response of circuits and many more; in the second part of the class, we introduces some basic electrical devices such as operational amplifier, diodes, transistors(BJT and MOSFET). In this module, you can find my lecture slides, practice problems, and some labs.
Lecture Slides

Lecture 1 Introduction

Lecture 2 Nodal and Mesh Analysis

Lecture 3 Linearity and Superposition

Lecture 4 Thevenin and Norton Equivalents

Lecture5 Capacitors

Lecture 6 Inductors

Lecture 7 Discharging RC and RL Circuits

Lecture 8 RC and RL Circuits with DC Source

Lecture 9 RC and RL Circuits with General Source

Lecture 10 RLC and Second Order Circuits

Lecture 11 Response of Series RLC Circuits

Lecture 12 Response of Parallel RLC Circuits

Lecture 13 RLC Circuit with DC Source and Step Response

Lecture 15 Sinusoidal Voltages and Currents

Lecture 16 Phasors

Lecture 17 Impedances

Lecture 18 AC Circuit Analysis

Lecture 19 Impedances and Frequencies

Lecture 20 First Order High Pass Filter

Lecture 21 Bode Plots

Lecture 22 Second Order RLC Filters

Lecture 23 Realistic Second Order Filters and Op Amp Review

Lecture 24 Active Filters

Lecture 25 Signal Conditioning and Measurement Systems

Lecture 26 Semiconductor and Diode Basics

Lecture 27 Zener Diode and Diode's Piece-Wise Linear Model

Lecture 28 Rectifier Circuits

Lecture 29 Wave Shaping Circuits

Lecture 30 Diode's Small Signal Model

Lecture 31 Bipolar Junction Transistors BJTs

Lecture 32 pnp BJTs and Large Signal Models

Lecture 33 BJTs Small Signal Model

Lecture 34 BJT Small Signal Model and Emitter Follower Amplifier

Lecture 35 MOSFET Stories

Lecture 36 Introduction to MOSFETs

Lecture 37 MOSFET DC Biasing Circuits

Lecture 38 MOSFET Small Signal Model

Lecture 39 Source Follower and Common Gate Configurations
Practice Problems

Homework 1

Homework 2

Homework 3

Homework 4

Homework 5

Homework 6

Homework 7

Homework 8