ECE 3354 Power Lab
Ever since Thomas Edison invented the light bulb, electric power has become more and more dominant power source in our energy consumption. We use it to charge our phones, and even power our cars now. In this course, we will study the electric power generation, transmission, conversion, electric motors, etc. The power lab introduces students with the hands-on lab experience in power system and power electronics. There are 8 labs in this course.
Course Syllabus and Schedule
Course Syllabus and Schedule

Lab 1 Three-Phase Circuits
Lab 1 Three-Phase Circuits

Lab 2 Transformer Model
Lab 2 Transformer Model

Lab 3 Transformer Waveforms
Lab 3 Transformer Waveforms

Lab 4 Transmission Line
Lab 4 Transmission Line

Lab 5 Buck Boost Converter
Lab 5 Buck Boost Converter

Lab 6 Synchronous Machine
Lab 6 Synchronous Machine

Lab 7 Induction Machine
Lab 7 Induction Machine

Lab 8 Flyback Converter
Lab 8 Flyback Converter

Lab 9 DC-AC Inverter
Lab 9 DC-AC Inverter